semalam gi tengok cite ni kat GSC Alamanda..tak plan pon nak gi tengok wayang, tapi ada orang nak belanja huhuhu laju je nak pegi, almaklumlah orang tu kan baru gaji, bukan senang nak dapat peluang nih, rembat je la...tengok cite Night at The Museum..ok la best..kelakar and tak de lag bosan, cuma yang tak best nye duduk kat line H01-H04, dah nak dekat ngan skrin, adalah lenguh² leher cket, apa-apa pon tak rugi la tengok, memang best lagi² bila tiket wayang dan jajan semasa tengok wayang di taja hehehe (Time kasih K Ku - orang yang menaja). Sape² tak tengok lagi n rasa-rasa berminat bole lah pergi tengok yee..selamat menonton...

Film Review
What’s there to say about the the sequel to the first Night at the Museum? It’s a bit of fluff, something to take the kids to where you might be mildly entertained without having to worry about anything offensive where your kids are involved.
The story picks up a few years after the first film, with Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) now a successful businessman. He has a knack for infomercial-type inventions and is doing very well - financially anyway. He still visits the museum from time to time to visit with his night-animated buddies, but not as often as he used to. It turns out that most of the museum pieces are being replaced by newfangled holographic projection versions, with the current ones being shipped off to storage at the Smithsonian, to be crated forever.
The story picks up a few years after the first film, with Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) now a successful businessman. He has a knack for infomercial-type inventions and is doing very well - financially anyway. He still visits the museum from time to time to visit with his night-animated buddies, but not as often as he used to. It turns out that most of the museum pieces are being replaced by newfangled holographic projection versions, with the current ones being shipped off to storage at the Smithsonian, to be crated forever.
He attempts to intervene but it’s a case of too little, too late - but of course the day is not lost. One thing leads to another and Egyptian prince Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria) is awakened with thoughts of world domination on his mind. In the process we once again meet Robin Williams as Teddy Roosevelt, Owen Wilson as Jebediah Smith the pint sized cowboy, along with new characters General Custer (played well by Bill Hader) and Amelia Earhart (played by the forever cute and perky Amy Adams)
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